Ernesto Burgos

Ernesto Burgos Portrait

Ernesto Burgos (Chilean-American, b. 1979, Santa Clara, CA) lives and works in New York, NY. Burgos manipulates commercial materials such as cardboard, fiberglass and resin to create his organically shaped works. The work relays the illusionary and physical space of abstraction; each form mimics the stroke in an inverse or manipulated relationship. He bends, tears, cuts and glues repeatedly until the abstraction becomes three dimensional. Through this bodily process of sculptural painting, he explores the progression of change, mark making, movement and manipulation. The work changes as the viewer’s perspective shifts in relation to the piece, the illusionary space is contorted and expanded adding depth to the gestural motions.

Burgos was born in Santa Clara, CA and raised in Chile. In 2004, he earned a BFA from the College of the Arts in San Francisco, CA followed by an MFA from New York University in 2008. Ernesto Burgos is represented by parrasch heijnen, Los Angeles. 


Forrest Bess


Alonzo Davis